
Friday 15 October 2010

Doctor Who In America

The sixth season of Doctor Who is on it's way...YAY! Whitesnake and I have whiled many hours away watching Doctor Who and the spin off series - Torchwood.

The BBC has announced an epic two-part episode set in the United States.

"Key scenes will be filmed in Utah for a story set in the late Sixties in which the Doctor (Matt Smith), Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) find themselves on a secret summons that takes them on an adventure from the desert in Utah right to the Oval Office itself," per a network press release.

"The Doctor has visited every weird and wonderful planet you can imagine, so he was bound get round to America eventually!" boasted head writer Stephen Moffat. "And of course every Doctor Who fan will be jumping up and down and saying he's been in America before. But not for real, not on location — and not with a story like this one!"

I can hardly wait but I guess I'll have to.

Have a great day
Love KB



  1. Great, I loved the new version they started......haven't followed it so much when they changed actors. Sci Fi is also a favorite in our house, our son's name is Jules....

  2. I miss the previus Doctor but I still enjoy the show.
