
Wednesday 30 March 2011

Finding My Muse

Here's my One Shot for the week.

She builds me up
When I'm feeling low
No need to think
The words will flow

Sometimes I giggle
At the lines we share
Did I write that?
Blissfully unaware

When I'm stuck in a rut
She whispers and taunts
Words don't make sense
Her rhymes she flaunts

Silently mocking
When I'm feeling my best
Beneath the surface
With my misery suppressed

She knows I'll be back
We are one and the same
Her words I must write
Or she'll drive me insane

She's gives herself freely
Time and again
I can't thank her enough
My muse, my trusted friend

I haven't been around much in blog land because my Dad has been in the hospital. He's feeling much better and is going to be fine. I'll write more about it tomorrow when I've caught up with my emails etc.

See you tomorrow
Take care of each other
Love KB


  1. Sorry to hear about your father but glad to hear he will be okay. It is amazing how inspiration comes and what it brings when it visits.

  2. Nicely written piece about the allusive muse. I am quite happy to hear your dad is going to be, ok.
    Very nice to meet you, KB.


  3. sorry to hear about your father as well muse is good when i can find her...some days she likes the hide and seek...

  4. that darn muse ~ glad you know to make friends...I must learn to do that... nice flowing write ~

    (btw, glad to read your father is doing better)

  5. Glad dad is feeling better. KB, from the picture, I deduce you are a ham at heart! Poor Whitesnake!

  6. I'm glad to hear your dad is feeling better. Nothing worse for a muse when you can't concentrate, lol. Cute poetry!

  7. I'm so glad to hear that your Dad is on the mend.

    I like your tribute to your muse. They can be fickle sometimes but they always seem to come back.

  8. Nicely said, and I'm pleased your father's doing okay.

  9. I will always be here babe...xxxx

    Oh and nice one shot!

  10. It pleases me to hear that my words have conveyed my meaning. I appreciate your visit and your kind comments are generous.
    Ah our muse...I have several actually or she is just a shapeshifter lol! Healing thoughts for your Dad...So very nice to meet you.

    ♥ ஆ εlεɳa ~.^

  11. First, I hope your dad is doing better each day.

    Ah, the muse.
    I love this about the elusive muse; she is like a butterfly that
    is there, I know she is because I can see her fluttered flight…
    but it’s hard to entice her to land on my shoulder. You have
    reminded me to listen for her gentle nudging. Well done!

  12. Thanks everyone.

    WS - thanks for being there for me xxxx

    Missy - Hugs to you too sweetie.

  13. Hope your father gets home and well soon! I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your muse poem, that's very cool!

  14. Do you actually have a muse who whispers in your ear? All I have is a moving screen in the back of my head. It's always running, but most of it's garbage.

  15. Sorry to hear about your Da, Kar. Sorry I haven't been around; thanks for poppin in when you did. I didn't mean to chase you away.
